#install plugs
#If Else
#for-in DONT WITH Arr
#Node.js server
#double for loop
#single thread
#switch mode
#switch 2 icons
#DOM Event
#CSS Reset
#assignment operators
#DOM TokenList.contains(token)
#for of
#GET request
#public folder
#named imports
#for ...in
#named exports
#OR operator
#for in
#utility 模組
#img src
#default exports
#default styles
#css text
#React Event handler
#<>... </> Fragment
#convert to array
#absolute path
#find( )
#clear input value
#render logic & markup
#Destructuring assignment
#react-scripts module
#filter: blur
#sass module
#JSX attribute name - NO dash NO reserved word
#single parent tag
#filter( )
#TypeScript string
#JSX attribute name - camelCase
#Cannot find module 'sass'
#filter: blur()
#Number( )
#.toString( )
#data attribute
#code runner
#React Hook
#horizontal scrolling
#Pull Request
#VSCode extension
#className change
#alert 需在browser中執行
#commit message
#Web APIs
#traverse node
#form validation
#CSS Style change
#<form> Attributes
#解構賦值 destructuring assignment
#map API
#<input value="...">
#CSS loading animation
#TS prefer semicolon
#CSS loader animation
#:nth-child( )
#mongoose Model.create()
#PowerShell ISE
#eventListener callback fn
#Scope Chain
#box shadow
#string.toLowerCase( )
#new Date()
#Current local time
#color match
#前端設定 Router
#select class name
#<input value="..."> position
#? :
#git push fail
#color gradient
#callback function
#Server-Side Rendering
#Single Page Application,SPA
#mouseup event
#parseInt( )
#text shadow
#Reacr form
#index problem
#infinite loop
#Binary search
#delete blackList
#array method 篩選
#two-way data binding
#For Loop
#restart server
#Event Loop
#Passing JSX as children
#bouncing text
#inline CSS styles
#共用class name
#object in JSX
#use curlyBraces in 2 ways inside JSX
#curly braces
#While Loop
#HTML 中保留code的空白格式
#add dependencies
#{{ }}
#Express routing
#JSX Spread Syntax
#React icon
#why Express
#front end tool
#class name
#require( )
#white-space: pre-wrap
#children prop
#CSS 重構
#string compare
#index signature
#Map object
#audio element
#select-class names
#submit event
#array method
#img scr
#Element.matches(CSS selectorString)
#Coding efficiency
#mousedown event